The Journal of Arts, Humanities and Developments Studies and Research (JAHDSR)
Vol 1, Issue No.1, pp 55 – 68; March, 2019
A Philosophical Enquiry into Ancient Psychocosmic-Theistics and Theometry: A Case Study Joshua 10:12-14 and Isaiah 40:22
Nnaji Ogundu Charles
Department of Christian Studies and Religious Communications, Faculty of Arts, University of Abuja.
E-mail:; Mobile: +2348122785999
Ancient Psychocosmic Theistics and Theometry simply means that, ancient peoples previously thought that “the sun” (also called “a god” 2Kings 23:5 & 11, Hebrew Shemesh and Egyptian Ra (Raphan or Reseph); Acts 7:43) and some other planetary bodies (e.g Hebrew; “Yareha or wareha”- moon 2 Kings 23:5) rotated round “a motionless planet Earth (Robinson and Davidson: 2007 and Alexander et al (2009) note also the Amplified Bible; 1987 etc) while “Theistics and Theometry means “Scientific Arguments for the existence of God (Nnaji 2010; Ozoadibe 2017). These clarifications of our study terms, gave us our objective and statement of the problem of the study, i.e which one do we accept; (a) that the sun rotates round the Earth (Joshua 10:12-14) (b) or that the Earth rotates round the sun: Alexander et al (2009); and New and Philips, (1953). This study observes, that nowhere in the Holy Bible did God tell anyone that planet Earth is standing still, (Alexander et al (2009) please see our research observation for Job 9:6-7). Based on the scientific evidence following the five platonic solids and the rotation and revolutionary postulations, Galileo and Newton and other scientific proofs have shown that it is rather the sun that is static and not the earth as erroneously been promoted by some bible scholars. Joshua’s command of the sun to stand still for them to finish the battle with the Gibeonites was not a revelation, because Joshua was only a soldier and a political warlord, while that of Hezekiah’s was a revelation through the mouth of Prophet Isaiah. Both commands actually took place and the sun and the moon obeyed.
Key words: Ancient Psychocosmism, Theistics, Theometry and Platonic Solids,