The Environmental Studies Journal: Vol.6, No. 1, pp 1 – 18; June, 2024
Contextual Reading of Genesis 1: 28 in the Light of Environmental Care
Patrick Eluke (PhD)
Department of Religious and Cultural studies, University of Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria
This paper titled, “A Contextual reading of Genesis 1: 28 in the Light of Environmental Care” explores the Old Testament biblical imperative for an integral care of the environment. This is against the backdrop that misconstrued idea exists among some bibl ical scholars on the interpretation of Gen 1:28 with regard to the current neglect, disfigurement and destruction of nature and environment by human beings. This dangerous ideology is anchored on Christian anthropocentrism which allows for a ruthless explo itation of nature that supported western science and technology. For some scholars, the Bible in its insistence upon dominion and subjugation of nature encourages the most exploitative and destructive instincts in human beings. These and other related view s by scholars seem to have approached the text of Gen 1:28 in total disconnect from other complementary passages like Gen 2: 5, 15 and 3:17. However, God assigns man/woman a value that is far greater than that of other creatures (see Gen 1:26; 2: Ps 8). B ut this kingly position of human beings in the midst of all creature places on them the responsibility of stewardship and not of callous exploitation. Employing critical analysis, this paper argues that the divine mandate in Gen 1:28 “to subdue” and “have domination, rule over” is not responsible for the current ecological crisis and environmental degradation by human beings. It strongly recommends that the answer to the present ecological crisis lies in a re awakening of ecological consciousness and a cons cious appreciation of the inter connection between people’s lifestyle and their environment.
Keywords: Environment, Care, Reading, Ecology, Stewardship.