The Environmental Studies Journal (TESJ) Vol 1, No.4,
pp 60- 68; Dec, 2018

Community Development and Conflict Resolution: A Dialectical Approach

Betiang, Peter A, Ekuri, Kelly & Andong Helen,
Department of Continuing Education and Development Studies,
University of Calabar, Nigeria
Corresponding author’s E-mail:


Development and conflict are inextricably linked at different levels and in different ways. When human communities are embroiled in any form of conflict, the process of development is not only slowed down, but in most cases reversed. On the other hand, when there is peace harmony and cooperation among members of any community, development is accelerated and sustained. However where conflict has erupted or is imminent, developing the community could to a large extent mitigate the devastating impacts of conflict. This paper examines the role of community development in conflict resolution in communities in Cross River State. The paper examines the causes and types of conflict, while suggesting various ways through the development of human and material capital can engender peace among communities in Cross River State.

Keywords: Community development, community conflict, conflict resolution, peace, harmony, consensus.